NEW DIGGS – Impact Training Center

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I’m excited to announce that Impact Training has a new home! The studio is located at:

320 N. Washinton St.

Rochester, NY 14625

FIT has been a great place to grow as a trainer and a business – so many thank yous to the trainers and community there! I appreciate all the opportunities offered over the past several years that have led to this new venture!

And to all clients/friends that have sweat and Burpee’d with me – thank YOU for your support!

“Choose to see challenges as something beneficial”

National WOMEN’S Hockey League! #KnucklePuckTime


The National Women’s Ice Hockey League! GUYS THIS IS SO COOL.


The Connecticut Whale v. New York Riveters

I’ll spare you the tales of my glory days and just leave you with this: NWHL DEBUT BOSTON PRIDE V. BUFFALO BEAUTS

I’m overcome with pride and joy. I had transferred to a college that boasted a great DIII men’s hockey program – and the women’s club team was approved during the fall of my sophomore year. Jen & Mel P. headed the charge. Through the remaining three years of my college career, we had a ‘Little Giants’ type of story; a hodge-podge group of players (and some who’d never even been on skates!).

Okay – I lied. I have to tell you about our first win:

Moe, my teammate, eventually became my roommate and co-captain. She was well-fit for the club’s presidency, and I managed the role of vice president mostly by organizing practices and conditioning (now you know where all the Burpees started).

After two years of practicing at 10:30pm using half of the chopped up rink, we had a handful of pick up games throughout the first few seasons. Then it was November 2nd 2008 – our third year. We had our first home game.

FIRST. HOME. GAME. on Geneseo’s ice. It took SO. MANY. EMAILS. Lots of newspaper editorials. Student Association meetings (that lasted FOREVER). Endless fundraising.

And finally: We had real uniforms. The pep band blaring their renditions of the Family Guy theme song and Star Wars scores. I can’t remember our opponents. University of Rochester or William Smith?

I CAN remember the stands were filled (in our minds the spectators were fighting over seats – in reality the crowd was spread out comfortably). Jen & Mel P., having since graduated, made the hike to come cheer us on along with the many friends and family members. People even made signs.

Our coaches, volunteers Jason P. & Matt, were wearing their dress suits. We were legit. And we won. We freaking won. It was a solid match up. The scoring started after a few key misses over the net (I got really excited, okay?) – I had the puck and pushed it up the ice. Once the defense closed in, my teammate Rachel was set for a drop pass. I glided past the puck, it scooted between my legs and she swooped in. She pelted the goalie with a lefty sniper shot – top shelf glove side.

We say: that’s where momma keeps the cookie jar.

I love seeing that the NWHL is a real thing. It makes me proud to lace up – whether playing with the guys or gals these days – it’s a great community. The zip of puck, a solid snap on a wrist pass, that crunch of the ice beneath your feet…never gets old.


Me & Moe – Senior Year

Food For Thought: Nutrition Scams

Supplied by PBS

Food Inc. word map, Supplied by PBS

Newsletters flood my email every morning. From building a Tiny House to running programs to nutrition. They start at an ugly early hour because one author, Mike Samuels, hails from the UK. I started following him a year ago and have appreciated his take on nutrition and balance.

Today’s email subject line: In Your Face, Herbalife…

AIN’T THAT THE TRUTH. Certainly caught my attention. The post was by Mike’s guest blogger, Pete Fitschen (that’s it for the name drops, I swear!).

I often speak with individuals who are confused about what to do when it comes to nutrition.

It’s pretty easy to understand their confusion because everywhere they turn for information; they hear completely different advice about what to do in order to reach their goals.

This problem is compounded by the fact that there are an increasing number of self-proclaimed “nutrition experts” today. However, many of these individuals are completely unqualified to be giving nutrition advice. Moreover, many of these individuals are promoting nutritional approaches or products simply to make money.

His take on nutrition scams is ON POINT. The take-aways:

  • Extreme fat loss/muscle gain! – Losing more that 1% of body fat in a week, while gaining huge muscles, is extremely difficult to achieve!
  • Quick Fix v. A Lifestyle – Quick fix is a red flag; to me that says “boomerang”… you may shape up quick but that means you’ll lose it quick. If it’s sustainable, it should fit into your LIFE.
  • Good/Bad – alienating foods or food groups is a red flag. Balance is key!
  • Trendy names/products – If it’s catchy and you’re buying goods to make it work, that’s a slippery slope.
  • Buzz words – ‘all natural’, ‘organic’, ‘toxins’, ‘detoxify’… guys, your body has this awesome thing called a liver that detoxifies FOR FREE.


There’s a lot to be said for the way we eat – or the way we THINK we should eat. The external influences that affect our cravings are overwhelming. If you are looking for nutrition advice – seek out an expert who is licensed and educated! Do your research – you’re worth it; so is your health!

>> In the next post, I’ll share a NYT article that was shared with me about people who bring reusable shopping bags… and buy more junk food than people who use the paper/plastic! #whattttt

The ROC Marathon Relay: Feet Failed Us Not!


WHAT a day! WHAT an event! WHAT the HECK with those hills????

5:01am – alarm 1

5:15am – alarm 2, eyes open

5:20am – actually wake up

6:15am – caravan with Deb, meet with Robin & Rachel

6:50am – get Deb to the Start Line Shuttle

7:28am – catch Shuttle to the Relay Exchange, meet up with Robin

8:15am – yank Deb off the course, give relay belt to Robin

…wait…pee…cheer…pee…eat snack… pee… cheer… pee…wait

Relay Exchange #1 & #3 at O'Rorke Bridge

Relay Exchange #1 & #3 at O’Rorke Bridge

I was expecting Rachel to arrive 10:15-10:30am. She arrives EXACTLY at 10:30am – from behind? She actually ran about 3/4-mi. PAST the exchange and had to turn around!

10:30am – scream, hug, take belt – RUN!

The course was SO cool and took me through a part of Rochester, through Irondequoit, along the river (St. Paul/zoo region), and nothing made it better than pushing to the top of a brutal hill than being cheered by my high school’s cross country team.

Well, except for that jaunt past the Genesee Brewery’s giant beer cans.


That last leg over the Pont de Rennes (the fancy name for the bridge that connects the Brewhouse to High Falls) was dead on towards the finish line. Success!


The FIT B*tches! Missing Deb… our ghost runner!

It was so great to see the rest of the team for a quick pic and then a quick medal celebration before a roast beast sammich and a few brews, watching Sunday football.

More than anything, I saw a LOT of people – from FIT, from other gyms, from Pittsford Crew, from high school…! It was an incredible community event. And I’m so grateful to have been a part of it!

Next time: 13.1 OR BUST.


Will Run For Pancakes.


Tis the eve of the Rochester Marathon!  Some ladies from the gym have joined together for the Rochester Relay – Rachel, Robin, Deb & I will represent as Team FIT B*tches! Our loop will complete the 26.2 marathon – each of us will have a portion to complete.

We will miss Lauren, who had to drop because of an injury. (read: I WILL MISS HER because now I’m the 8mi. as the anchor!!!)

Excited for some great weather, a fun event, and pancakes.

Last week some of the Pittsford Crew rowing community kicked off the fall running season at the Ovarian Cancer 5k. We have some survivors and big supporters…and some pretty fast runners!


Miss Marissa, on the left, ran her fastest 5k yet! She’s a coxswain and it’s awesome to see her kick butt since she’s usually the one kicking the rowers’ butts. Miss Hannah, in the middle next to me, kept a furious pace. Each time I caught up she’d peel ahead! Miss Olivia on the far right aced us all – winning first place for her age group!

So far so good!

#FeetFailUsNot #AreWeThereYet

Rule Yourself – Under Armour’s New Campaign is On Point

Great commercial. All of my collegiate marketing professors would be freaking out – simple, clear message.

As a trainer, this Under Armour spot gives me chills… anything that empowers the individual. Too often we see the final product – a perfectly chiseled physique in the ESPN Body Issue – that we forget about the journey. Mind over matter.

That doesn’t happen over a night, a month, even a year. It takes time and commitment; this is when I go into ‘Coach Mode’. Ready or not:

‘You are the sum of all your training’ is an important message; there will be days when you wake up and think it’s no big deal missing this one, I’m going to brunch instead. What if you took that 1o minutes – instead of checking your phone/Instagram – and put that ball on the ground for your Marevich drills; pounded out a few rounds of squats, push-ups, and Burpees?

What if?

We have choices every day. Instead of giving yourself an ‘out’ from an evening workout, why not jam at 6am? It’s not about getting it out of the way, it’s about making time for you to have the best opportunity to succeed.

Competitors are a little nuts at times. They go running before practice; they lift on weekends and ask for more.

What if you’re not a competitor? What if you’re just a college graduate who wants to stay active? You probably realize you’re in the minority. I know it’s easy to get pulled into that office happy hour. But if you want to, you’ll make it happen.

I hope you find some inspiration in this commercial. If it pushes you through that day where you’re down about a ‘bad workout’, just remember you’re one step closer than you were BEFORE that workout. It still counts. And if you were like me and needed a Saturday off this weekend, then hopefully you’ve got a little fuel for that Monday morning run.

Back to the Basics – Squats, Push Ups, and Re-Fueling

Ah, cheers to the President Kennedy Physical Fitness Program. This YouTube spot really hits home – it’s simply about bringing back simple, effective fitness programs. Just a little bit of movement every day and you’ll be cranking out those forearm planche push ups in no time..!

Now that we’ve touched up on our history – let’s move on to present day: Back to the Basics week was, basically, a success!

Here are the print-outs: SQUATS / PUSH UPS

Re-fueling with Fan Favorites: Miss Lolo’s famous post-FIT coffee smoothie / my specialty chocolate espresso chilled pie (props to Oh She Glows) .

The coffee smoothie covers all bases in terms of carbs and proteins and a little bit of fat. Kicking it up a notch from chocolate milk.

Miss Lolo's Post-FIT Snack
1 c. Unsweetened Almond Milk – 1/2 c. Greek Yogurt – 1 scoop of vanilla bean ice cream …top it off with some chilled coffee.
Blend and serve it up!
Recipe, here:


The chocolate espresso chilled pie is not recommended for immediate post-workout eats; it’s delicious but should be saved for…DESSERT! It is a vegan, gluten free dessert from Angela Liddon, the Oh She Glows mastermind. Her blog and recipe books provide a great overview of a vegan lifestyle. PLEASE NOTE that I am not vegan. However, I do like to experiment with whole foods recipes. This pie is made with cashews & hazelnuts (filling & crust), oat flour, coconut oil, agave for sweetener, maple syrup for thickening/binding agent, chocolate and espresso powder. Surprisingly simple and took 30 minutes to prep!

We had a full house for Labor Day, My recently-engaged sister, her fiancé, and future in-laws joined us for a bbq. The pie was a great conversation piece – most people hear ‘vegan & gluten free’ and think: WHEAT GRASS SHOOTERS (okay, maybe not everyone…maybe just me…). After heaps of heavy foods, this was the perfect, chilled treat to enjoy!

In other news: Labor Day Weekend workout was a fundraiser for Adding Candles (Brain Cancer research foundation that was initiated by a client at FIT). The 10 girls that attended were sweating for a good cause! The earlier group had about 40 peeps – raising $1,000+ for the foundation. ACES!

Burning Calories: 13 Things to Know (thanks to Buzzfeed)

IMG_2700It’s all about working smarter, not always harder!

Buzzfeed: 13 Things You Should Know About Burning Extra Calories?

Except they left out Number 14: that working out in the morning has proved to jumpstart your burn…and keep your metabolism revved throughout the day! Love the early morning jams and excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (#EPOC).

Holler at my 6am’ers & 7:45’ers!

All of my love and Burpees,


Back To The Basics!


Group Training – Personal Training in Rochester, NY

We are gearing up for a Back To The Basics week during training sessions August 31-September 5!

It’s always nice to have a refresher on what muscles we’re targeting with certain exercises; proper form helps us to fully develop range, muscle fibers, and will ultimately make the workout more effective in terms of strength, power, and therefore increasing metabolic rate (aka…more sweat, calories burned!).*There will be hand-outs and we’ll also be touching on a few nutrition points*

Group Training – Personal Training in Rochester, NY